Encouraging Excellence
The Academy is passionate about supporting the arts and elevating the study of acting in the classroom. To help foster this effort, we are committed to providing educators with valuable resources and opportunities to connect and learn together. We invite you to join us as we work to strengthen the presence of the arts and drama education in schools around the world.
Drama Educator Workshops
An Extension of Our Commitment
Each year The Academy extends the reach of its community by inviting high school drama teachers and performing arts educators to a free professional development workshop. Teachers from around the globe join together at our New York campus and other select cities to work closely with our master instructors to collaborate and learn new evolving acting techniques.
Our workshops also provide educators the ability to share knowledge with other colleagues, as well as discuss current trends, tools, activities and resources for use in the performing arts classroom. Attendees will also take part in a variety of engaging exercises that allow for self-growth, discovery and encouragement. The Academy invites you to join us at our next workshop event.
Workshop Cities and Dates
New York Campus
Sunday, Jul 20, 2025

Additional Teacher Resources
Explore The Academy Programs

Full-Time Conservatory
Our Full-Time Program is an immersive two-year, performance-based experience from day one, preparing students for a professional career on stage and screen.
See Our ConservatoryProgram

Summer Programs
Students age 16+ can immerse themselves in the heart of entertainment and experience our training from the same master instructors as our Full-Time Program.
See Our Summer Options
Youth Program
For ages 12-16, The Academy's Conservatory for Young Actors (ACYA) is a fun, four-week summer intensive for stage and screen training at our Los Angeles campus.
See Our Youth Program